The entire second floor of the library is devoted to the young adult patrons. As climbs the stairs and enters, this piece of art is set in front of the entrance. In memory of a young girl who died young, this piece was made by her family and donated to the library. The bowl contains many decorative objects, mainly Christmas tree ornaments. After the bowl is spun, one can peer through one of the two eyepieces and can see a beautiful design resembling that seen through a kaleidoscope.

The layout of the library for the young adults is very similar to that of the adults. The young adults have fiction, nonfiction, periodicals and magazines, new arrivals, and reading areas like the adults do. The young adult services are divided into sections to serve the needs of children of different age groups. The toddlers have their playing and reading area separate from the preteen section of the library. A section of the library is devoted to the needs of teens and is called the “teen territory.” One thing that is distinct is the foreign language collection that it holds. Some children’s books are available in languages like Spanish, Polish, Japanese, German, Hindi, and French, which are few of the many languages spoken by Villa Park residents.
The Young Adults Periodicals

The young adult services department also holds programs throughout the year; one such program involves setting a stage across the floor on which children can perform different plays and shows. One room on the first floor, called a meeting room, is used for different functions like forums, conferences, and board meetings. A room on the second floor called the program room is used more for programs that serve the younger patrons such as children’s story time and visits by famous children authors.